"As a family owned and operated business, we offer the intimacy and care you deserve ..."
High Quality Branded Products
The no. 1 reason to use Protoys for your next event is because of the high quality, branded products we offer. There is no doubt that kids and their parents far prefer gifts that are well-known, trusted brands.
Firstly, you the organiser and the parents will gain comfort in the knowledge that the toys are safe and tested. Secondly, these are the toys kids see advertised on TV and what they see in the playground at school – this is what they want and what will really make them happy! Thirdly, these toys are high quality and durable, lasting many, many years, and that's sure to gain the tick of approval from parents.

There are suppliers out there who may offer you no-name, no-brand toys. Be aware. These are often dangerous, non-tested and terrible quality, breaking on their third or forth use by the child. For the sake of the kids and their parents don’t compromise on quality and safety.
Experience and Industry Backing
We were established in 1994 and have been servicing corporates and clubs for over two decades. During that time we have gained an enormous amount of experience and knowledge on best practices, ensuring that the products you select are correct for your event, ensuring our fulfillment procedure is 100% accurate, ensuring you receive all the information you require in a timely fashion and ensuring our overall service is perfectly suited to your needs.
Not only do we have the experience but we have industry backing. We are part of the Toycorp group that owns retail toy stores and operates a wholesale division. We are a long-standing, reputable business in the Australian toy industry. This means our buying power and sourcing ability is extensive, ensuring we offer you the best range, the best prices and the ability to fulfill any unique needs you may have.
As a family owned and operated business however, we still offer the intimacy and care you deserve, with our account managers ensuring your every need is taken care of.